We are committed to bring the best & honest solutions for your business.

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We Offer Cloud Based Software Products and IT Consultancy.

We are developing cloud based products (SAAS) for cloud migrations or adaptations- DevOps, Security, Monitoring, Analytics, Backups, etc. We also provide consultancy on architecture, design, development, legacy moderernization, digitalization, analytics etc. for different applications in different business and technical domains.

Prodcuts: To Be Announced
Services: e-commerce applications, enterprise applications, mobile applications, AI applications, cloud applications, etc.

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Explore The Services
We Offer For You

We help our clients on all actiivities in IT development life-cycle such as; Analyzing business, architeture, design, development, testing, deployment, monitoring, security, analytics, automations, migrations, etc.
Currently, we are serving to startups and mid-size companies in business domains such as; Fashion Retail, FinTech, ICT, etc.

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IT Consultancy

Business Moderninzation, IT moderernization, Architecture & Design, Automations, Cloud Adaptations, Analytics, etc.

Application Development

IT Development/Testing/DevOps/Support/Monitoring, Security Implementations for Enterprise and Mobile Applications.


We are developing 3D image based body measument tool to be used by e-commerce webshops.


We are developing online appointment booking module for e-commece applicaition.


We are developing multi-cloud based DevOps, admin & security tools.


We are developing cloud based e-commerce application for mobile.

  Explore The Products
  We Offer For You

We are developing cloud based applications for enterprise and retail on AI, Cloud, Security, etc.

AI (Virtual Trial -Cloth)

Cloud (DevOps, Admin & Security)

E-commerce (Applications & Modules)

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Active Projects


Business Growth


Completed Projects


Happy Clients

What our customers say about us.

Quality Results
Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.” ~Henry Ford.
High Quality of products and services are always at high priority in any circumtances for its clients of ZZT.
If you torture the data long enough, it will confess.” ~Ronald Coase.
We support our clients in analytics driven organization and vice-versa.
Affordable Pricing
Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” ~Warren Buffett.
Keeping it cost effective & competitive for our clients are at centre of our mind.
Easy To Use
Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” ~Vince Lombardi.
The ease comes when one does not have to look the manual, we focus on that.
Free Support
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” ~Albert Einstein.
Let's not make everything chargeable in this world.
Effectively Uplift
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more. You are a leader.” ~John Quincy Adams.
We help organizations to move upward at every stage & in each area of IT & Business.

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